What you can do about Climate Change

what you can do about climate change

What can you do about Climate Change?

Today is the 23rd April 2019. In the UK we have had reports of extremely hot weather all across the country and some are saying that it is the hottest day, on this day, for a very long time.

Scientists have claimed for many years now that climate change is massively affecting, and increasing, the temperatures we are facing. Climate change is still questioned by many as to whether it even exists and the public are starting to turn their frustration to the streets and protesting against the seemingly lack of information from the Government.

Despite the lack of facts, there are many recommendations in place about how we can do our bit to reduce the affect of climate change on our planet. Many of us are already making an active effort to do this and, although small, if we all followed this guide we may, bit by bit, make a difference.


The emissions form our cars, motorbikes and anything you use to get from A to B are proving to play a big part on climate change. If you do feel that you could get rid of your automobile and opt for a more environmentally friendly option then here are a few options for you to consider:-

Public Transport. Annoyingly, buses and trains are quite expensive here in the UK but hopefully this will change over time. Although not a solution, selling your car and only using public transport would completely eradicate the emissions that you were previously using.

Cycling. If you live and work fairly close to each other then why not dump your car an buy yourself a shiny bicycle. Save the world, save money and get fit all at the same time!

Car Share. Many work places now encourage their employees to car share to decrease the amount of cars on the road. Also increases the parking spaces in the staff car park!

Energy Saving

In theory, the more electricity we use the more climate change will prosper. Many machines such as washing machines, dish washers, TV’s and computers are fitted with energy saving devices that you can take advantage of and do your bit for the planet. Energy saving options around the home are:-

-Only use energy saving light bulbs.
-Unplug any electrical equipment that you are not using.
-Reduce the temperature you use to wash your clothes
-Properly learn how to use your programmable thermostat to ensure your heating only comes on when needed.

Less Waste

The amount of stuff we throw away is really quite disgusting when you look at the statistics. In America alone, around 250 million tons of ‘stuff’ is disposed of every year. The total amount of global waste (according to theworldcounts.com) is 2.12 BILLION TONS every year!

Be sure to recycle your waste ready for the bin man to dispose of it correctly. Most of all, always be conscious of what you are buying and the amount of waste that will come from it. The more you get used to keeping an eye on how much you are throwing out, the more you should naturally reduce over time!

Renewable Energy

The are several options now when it comes to looking at other renewable energy. Instead of relying on receiving your energy from your usual supplier there are many companies that will provide solar panels and wind turbines. Solar panels are appearing more and more on peoples homes and after a few years of using them you will start to see a return on your investment. Well worth considering!