The Water Ball. Is it a Game Changer?

the water ball

The Water Ball Also known as the’ Edible Water Bottle’ or by its official name ‘Ooho’, the water ball is said to be the answer to resolving the plastic bottle pollution that our world currently faces. Created by a company called ‘Skipping Rocks Lab‘, the main aim of the product is to completely replace the […]

10 Unbelievable facts about Ocean Pollution

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The more you read about the effects of pollution on the earth, the more unbelievable it all seems to be that it ever got to this stage! Our planet is massively over polluted with so much man-made material and if nothing is done about it soon we may be at the stage of no return. […]

5 Benefits of a Mains Fed Water Cooler

5 Benefits of a Mains Fed Water Cooler. In the world of water coolers you will come across two main types of systems; Bottle fed water coolers and mains fed water coolers. Both pretty much serve the same purpose but both do have their advantages and disadvantages. The benefits of each can mainly depend on […]