If you’re looking for water cooler rental in Wiltshire you have come to the right place!
We currently have two main locations that enable us to supply our service across the whole of the UK. Our Wiltshire based office is ideal for covering the whole of the South West, East and Midlands. Our Yorkshire office covers the further North counties.
If you book a meeting or need to talk over the phone with us you will be in good hands. You will speak directly with the co-owner, Andrew Grabham. Andrew is based in our Wiltshire office and will be the very man you meet if booking some time to discuss your water cooler needs.
Andrew is co-owner of Active Water Coolers and has extensive experience within the Water Cooler industry. His competence in plumbing and engineering, logistics and sales equips him with all of the essential tools to ensure he provides an excellence service to all customers within the South of England.
If you need guidance or would like to enquire about the right water cooler for your business then you can contact Andrew by heading over to our Contact Page

Providing Hydration Solutions According to the WHA
Active Water Coolers Ltd are members of the Water Dispenser & Hydration Association (WHA). This is so we attain the highest standards of quality, safety, hygiene and ethical conduct throughout our service across the UK.
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Andrew Grabham